What's Up Wednesday {6/24/15}
12:54 PM
Its been a while since I've blogged! Life has been so crazy with Bennett on the way and the end of school.
Thought I would fill you in on what has been going on lately!
1. What we're eating this week...
This is sooooo boring!! We are SO busy over the summers with youth group camps, etc that I hardly ever cook. BUT tonight I am making a favorite of Nathan and mine. Quesadilla Casserole...its so yummy! It's actually a McCormick Seasoning recipe. Click HERE to find it. It feed us for several meals and its yummy! (and I HATE leftovers usually!)
2. What I'm reminiscing about...
A little over a week ago my brother got married (insert sappy cry here) and I got to see all my far away family! It was so great and I wish I could go back and do it all over again because it was such a fun weekend!! Here are some pics from the weekend. Nathan and I were both in the wedding and I got to do Megan's makeup. :)
3. What I'm loving...
Don't make fun of me, but I am a teacher (aka I'm poor) and on summer break. I'm trying my best to stay home and not waste gas/spend money shopping...sooooo...I bought this this week. :) 

4. What we've been up to...
Nathan and I have been saving for a while to get a sprinkler system because our yard is so massive and we finally got it this week! Here is a panoramic pic of the yard trenched. It is going to save us so much time!!!
5. What I'm dreading...
I really need to work on my long term sub plans while I'm on maternity leave but I really just don't feel like working!!! #teacherprobz
I am loving this summer vacation WAY too much. :) And how is it almost July already?!?!
6. What I'm working on...
I have been trying to get Bennett's room together little by little. This is what we have so far. I know I want to do a gallery wall over the dress and need to get knobs for the dresser. My aunt also made him the sweetest quilt. I just love it!
7. What I'm excited about...
My cousin had her baby boy this week! They named him Cole Michael and he's the cutest little chunky monkey ever. I wish so bad I was in Houston to love on them!!
8. What I'm watching/reading...
I am in the middle of this book...its pretty good so far! I have been reading A LOT this summer. Nathan keeps making fun of me actually because I will easily finish a book in a day. :/
And will be watching BIG BROTHER tonight!!! WOOO! I LOVE this show so much and it finally premieres tonight. You should TOTALLY watch it. It is addicting!
9. What I'm listening to...
I have been trying not to listen to much to be honest...the quiet has been a nice change of pace since school is out. #silenceisgolden
10. What I'm wearing...
I have been living in my swim suit or a t-shirt and shorts. Don't even judge. Its summer, y'all!!!!
11. What I'm doing this weekend...
Nathan is leading a middle school church camp next week so I will be up there with him setting up and decorating before all the little ones get there. I will not be there during the week of camp this year because I didn't think it was smart for the 29 week pregnant lady to be walking 6+ miles a day in the heat...
12. What I'm looking forward to next month...
I am going to Florida to see Nathan's grandparents, I'm going on a high school church trip with the youth, and we are also having a couple's baby shower that some sweet friends are throwing us! I can't wait!! :)
13. What else is new...
I am just loving the summer and can't wait for our baby boy to get here!!!