expect the unexpected

4:00 PM

I don't know about you, but my favorite time of the year is summer. For multiple reasons. A big reason is because Big Brother is on TV! It is by far my favorite TV show. I love the drama, competitions, & how often it is on TV. It will really consume your week of television watching for 3 months at 3 days a week. It is on Sunday's, Wednesday's, & Thursday's. Each night of the week is a different competition or contest.

The Big Brother Season 16 premiere was last night. One thing that is different this season is all the extra twists. Big Brother's motto is to "expect the unexpected" but this season they seem to be taking it to a whole new twisted level.

Like with the season premier last night...they {usually} introduce all 16 house guests & then have all the house guests compete in a H.O.H competition {head of household} after they are in the house for a little bit. Whoever wins the competition is crowned the H.O.H for the week. They get their own suite upstairs complete with their own bathroom, surveillance cameras, & basket of goodies from home. The H.O.H is responsible for nominating 2 house guests for eviction at the end of that week.  They are also {usually} safe from being eliminated.

BUT...last night they only brought 8 house guests in for the first H.O.H competition. Then announced to the house guests that they would not be alone for long & that the next set of house guests will compete in their own H.O.H competition. Ummm....what?!? Where did that come from?

Another premiere night is tonight & I'm so excited to meet the next 8 house guests. I am certainly expecting the unexpected this season!

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