give thanks

6:00 AM

I have so many things to be thankful for. I most certainly do not recognize them enough. So with Thanksgiving being this week, I thought I've give ya a little something to hopefully get you thinking about what you have to be thankful for.

1. First and foremost, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the sacrifice that he made for me. I am certainly no where close to perfect and he accepts me as I am, but doesn't want to leave me there. 

2. My family. All of them. They are crazy and sometimes drive me crazy, but I am so thankful for their support, listening ear, humor, love, and shoulder to cry on. I miss my Texas family so much some days that it hurts.

3. My husband. I know that he is my family, but he is so much more than that to me. Other than Jesus, he is my rock. I love him so much and take him for granted way too often.

4. My job. I have always wanted to be a teacher and love it so much. Some days are frustrating and I walk away from a day at work wondering if I made a difference, or even taught the kids anything but I love my job so much. When a student tells you that you are their favorite teacher and thank you for coming to their sporting events, plays, and concerts it means so so much and puts meaning behind all the lesson planning and paper grading.

5. Coffee and coca cola. I am so thankful for these equally. They give me energy and can make me so happy when I'm having a bad day.

6. Running, clean water. We are so fortunate to have running water it isn't even funny. And we take it for granted everyday. There are so many people in the world that die because of the water crisis and we need to be thankful that we will not be one of those people.

7. Pinterest.Yes, it uses up a lot of my time where I could be spending it on more productive things...BUT I get a lot of recipe ideas, hosting ideas, etc from pinterest that helps me bring people together for great community time.

8. My iPhone 6. {I know, shameful plug that I have the newest iPhone} But honestly, I'd be thankful to have any smart phone. It is such a privilege and the ultimate #firstworldprob to have a magic box in our hands at all times. It can literally tell you more things than you would ever want to know. What an amazing gift! Plus it is so great that I can FaceTime with my loved ones when I really miss them.

9. My car. It gets me a lot of different places that I love to go and some places that I have to go to help others. I am on my third car and not many people are privileged to get one car, let alone have 3 in their lifetime. I am thankful for the ability to drive and the ability to have a car that is fancier than I really need. What a blessing.

10. Don't laugh, but Netflix. I takes up a lot of time that I could be spending on more important things (like cleaning my very dirty house) but sometimes I just really need a break and what a better way than to catch up on what Dereck Shepherd and Meredith Grey are doing. ;) Or watching Safe Haven for the 239874 time.

...last but DEFINITELY not least. I am thankful for this blog. I know that I have a very small audience right now and I also know that I haven't gotten to post regularly this semester, but I enjoy it so much. Thank you for reading and I hope you have/had a safe Thanksgiving!

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