"I do" list
7:00 AM
Most people have a "honey-do" list, but my honey is going to be working full time during Christmas break so my list has been transformed into an "I do" list. :) #teacherprobs
Because I am a teacher, I have off of work for exactly 11.5 days plus weekends.
But who's counting? ;) Part of that time we will be in Texas, so I've got to get my act together!
I have several things that I would like to get done around the house.
I wanted to post this blog for two reasons...
First, I just did a blog post last week about making the most of your day. And I have many days off to make the most of so I am going to put my ideas to the test!
Second, I want to keep myself accountable by telling all of you what I will hopefully get accomplished. I am more apt to do something if I know that someone is expecting me to get it done.
So here it goes...
{1} I want to clean out our master closet. Go through everything. And I do mean e v e r y t h i n g. I don't think I am utilizing the space like it could be and I know there are things in there that we don't wear/use anymore.
{2} Hang the few items I have purchased for the walls in my "stripe" guest room. This past weekend I added a really cool mirror to the list of things I have for the stripe room. I need to make a final decision on where I want to hang things and get it done! I have loved the way the room has turned out so far and I can't wait to share it with you!
{3} Find some end tables that I like for our master bedroom. I want to put our current end tables (that are old and semi-falling apart) in our stripe room. They would look great in that room and our guests don't really need the drawers (the falling-apart section).
{4} Clean our base boards. I know....BORING. But they are filthy and its driving me nuts. I think this is something that needs to get done a couple times a year and I haven't had the chance to do it since we moved into our house over 2 years ago. #confessionsofaworkaholic. I found a great blog post on effective ways to clean your baseboards. I will be trying way #1 and possibly #6.
{5} Organize our linen closet. I always see pins on pinterest and think "I need to do that". Well, my linen closet is no different. I plan on going to the dollar store and organizing it in baskets and lots of labels. Right now its a nightmare. I'm so tired of it!
{6} Speaking of organizing...Nathan finished my laundry room last weekend! I need to organize it and figure out the best way to utilize my new shelves. I was inspired to get this laundry redone by a picture I got from Hobby Lobby.
^ My gold/copper ceiling! :) I used the "metals" line by Martha Stewart from Home Depot. I think it being discontinued though because the paint was on clearance.
^ Wall color is by Behr. I can't remember the name but its kind of an aqua color. I love it! By the way...props to my hubby and dad for rigging that light for me! It once looked like this...
Here is the finished room. (I have added a couple of things to the bottom shelf since taking this pic)
^Nathan made me those shelves! They are so great. I love this room! Now to fill those baskets. ;)
{7} I would love to shampoo our carpets. If you have a pet then you know what I'm talking about. They just get dirty after a while and even the best vacuum cleaner doesn't get them clean enough.
{8} Clean our fridge. I don't mean throw food away...we are pretty good about keeping up with that. I mean literally cleaning the shelves, drawers, etc. After awhile food can get spilled in there. And I don't know what it was about Thanksgiving but stuff spilled like crazy in there!
{9} Clean the inside of the microwave really good. Enough said.
{10} Clean out our pantry. Part of this will happen as I am organizing the laundry room because several things from the pantry are soon going to be stored in those big baskets.
I know this probably seems daunting to many people to try and accomplish, but if I don't keep myself busy around the house then I will end up at the mall spending money that I don't need to spend.
I am sure that something amazing will be playing on the TV like One Tree Hill or Gossip Girl, so it will be a little more dramatic. ;)