
6:55 AM

This past Christmas my best friend/"sister from a different mister", Alison, gave me a book called Popular by Tindell Baldwin. I have to say that it is one of the best books I have read in a while. So much heart & real/good advice. Well, I am excited to announce that Popular is currently FREE on Kindle! I think its only for the next couple of days so you might want to follow the link & pick it up while you can. Recommend it to someone too. It is a great read for moms and daughters. I would recommend it for daughters 12 or 13 & up! It is one of those books that they may read at 12 & not see how it can be connected to what they are going through right now, but come their freshman year in high school they might want to reread it because it is suddenly relevant. 

Tindell grew up in a Christian home. In fact her brother is Kristian Stanfill, a very popular Christian artist on the radio even! She had everything going for her. The only problem was she wanted so bad to be part of the "popular" group and have "real" fun. This is her story of her life & how she came to know Jesus through what she experienced in high school. Tindell gives real life examples of how being Popular isn't all that it cracks up to be. It is NOT as fulfilling as everyone makes it seem like & you probably aren't as popular as you really think you are. 

Here is a quote from page 128. Its probably my favorite quote of the entire book because the amount of truth behind the words. "Becoming a Christian doesn't mean all your problems fade away, & it definitely doesn't mean all your old habits die with your old self. You'll still be tempted to act the same, tempted to put your hope in the same things & tempted to think the same. The hardest part of Christianity isn't accepting Christ; it's what comes after that. It's when He asks you to walk away from relationships, friends, & a life you were accustomed to. God asks you to make these decisions so you can see that He only wants what is best for your life. If you can walk away from the really hard stuff, then huge blessing are waiting at the other end." -Tindell Baldwin.

I pray that if you know someone who needs to read this book that you will recommend it. & if you need to read this book then you will download and dive in. I know that you will love it as much as I did!

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